Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Thursday, 25 December 2014

The Wrong Present

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Wesolych Swiat!

np. my story caps will return January 2nd when Im back from vacation, between now and then I will try to post some minicaps I made.

Femnonymous (Wo)Manifesto + Christmas Plans

I am posting this now for two reasons i)it's not really a tg cap ii)I have a Christmas mini-series that I want to start posting tonight and needs to be finished before Christmas Eve for it to make sense. This small cap here is intended to be a formal introduction to Femnonymous who will be appearing in a lot more of my future stories.

Speaking of Christmas, I will be flying to the UK for a week to visit family so activity will be at least slowed which is fine because I'm sure everyone has better things to do than read my tg captions. Expect either a short hiatus or a series of very short mini-caps if I can get them done in time.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Always the Bridesmaid, Never the Groom

This was an entry in a Caption Contest for the wonderful Elena Starz and tied for 3rd. If you haven't seen Elena's work before (somehow) I strongly recommend you check out her four years plus of amazing captions.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Motion Capture

Not my usual style I know, but it's a request I did for someone. If anyone likes my caps and would like me to make something specific for them, I'm always willing to take requests. Just send me what you want at

Friday, 12 December 2014

You'll Be Saree!! Part 1

If anyone's wondering why I have so many caps about 'Jameson', it's someone on Deviantart who keeps commisioning me. Btw I'm always happy to take requests.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Aiko's Facebook Profile

I know I don't usually blog with my captions, generally I vastly prefer writing them or commenting on other people's caps, but feel like I should explain this one because I feel a little guilty. Not guilty because I'm not happy with it but rather because it's not really a tg caption at all. So what is it? Well, instead of just writing stand-alone captions and mini-series day after day until I eventually run of ideas, I've been looking to establish some recurring antagonists that will keep popping up here and there and hopefully help me build on my existing ideas. Think B-Rex's 'Midnight Surgeon' or Elena Starz's 'Bimbo inc.'

I decided to introduce each of these characters with a mini-caption so make them feel a bit more concrete. All of them at least somewhat inspired by one of my favourite captioners. Aiko is the first to be introduced  and was inspired by Jenny Valentine's amazing caps. 'The Network behind Spot that Sissy and Make Up or Fake Up will be introduced soon and is a bit of a tribute to B-Rex's fantastic work. I also have character's coming soon inspired by Leila Stoat and Alixtg. I would love one based off Elena Starz's wonderful ideas but so far I'm coming up empty. Maybe her next caption competition will inspire me.

As for running out of ideas...don't worry it's not happening any time soon. I currently have 25+ finished caps ready to go and almost 40 unfinished ones. I really hope you're enjoying them so far and don't be afraid to say hi once in a while.

Zoli x

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Thursday, 4 December 2014