Saturday, 30 April 2016

Doll of Mine Part 1 (a guest caption from AsudemLatex)

Today I have the pleasure of presenting a guest caption from AsudemLatex, who sent me this beautiful piece to put together.

Create Your Own Flashback Friday

I'm really sorry there was no Flashback caption yesterday, it wasn't intentional. I wrote a sequel to my caption 'Not Exactly Face of the Company...' and when I came to photoshop it all together I found I'd accidentally deleted the word file. So here's the thing, I really can't be bothered to write a caption I've already written once so instead I'm going to throw open the doors and see what you can do in a mini-contest of sorts. The background is already made up but feel free to change it if you like, or if you prefer you can email me the text at and I'll put it together for you. I'll put the original below also so you don't need to look for it.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Friday, 22 April 2016

Whatever Happened to Colin? (Flashback Friday)

This follows on directly from this week's Aiko series and features Colin, who you may remember from Trans in Translation (1, 2, 3)

Monday, 11 April 2016

Saturday, 9 April 2016