...is dead. I was banned permanently for a copyright violation since the photo from my fall of the mannequeen series apparently belonged to another deviantart user despite finding it on tumblr. Such is life :( I don't plan to gI've up capping but new posts will be exclusively here from now on. I need to take a break and evaluate the way forward but ill be back when I'm ready.
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Whatever Happened to Lance? (The Apprentits:Extreme)
Okay, so Season 3 is coming along
slowly, mostly due to me concentrating on my novel writing, but I
think I'm about ready to start work on the new Femnonymous hosted
version of the Apprentits. The series will be six episodes with one
character eliminated and bimbofied every week and so I need your
character ideas for three men and three women. Last time I just did
first come first served but I'm not doing that this time around. I
will instead pick what I feel are the most interesting character
ideas that I feel I can fit into the best possible story. I will
however limit it to one character per person. Deadline in October
Either comment here, pm me or email