Friday 18 June 2021

Whatever Happened to the Pink n Prissy Collective? Part 2


A bit convenient this one fell of a Friday. The rest of the series is on my linked captions page

“The thing you need to understand about Stephanie is that she loved power,” Charlotte began the story and the rest of the Pink n Prissy hushed quiet. Only the crackle of the campfire accompanied her voice. “Not just the power that comes with dressing up boys either – we all had that, as I suppose you have experienced,” she eyed Sam across the flames. “No, with Steph it was always about being number one – whether it meant making a sissy serve her, or treating us like her we were undeserving of her leadership. She totally had coming what we did to her but there was no way she was ever going to leave it there. She was going to come for us and we needed a pre-emptive strike.”

“I reached out to her,” Terri stood and took center stage. “I knew she always respected me a bit more than the others. We both dressed alike – tomboy stuff.” She gestured at her boyish outfit sheepishly. “I told her things weren't going so well with Josie as leader after what...errrm...happened to Grace, and that if she could show she still had 'it', I could get Cassie and Charlotte on board to reinstate her as leader. Basically, an audition to reprove herself. She wasn't thrilled about having to jump through hoops but I think she would have done anything to boss us around again. She took the bait hungrily and all we had to do was set the trap.”

“Terri provided Stephanie with a target and told her she had to go all out so that we would all be reminded of how amazing she was at sissifying boys,” Cassie continued the story from her position next to Terri. “You might have already figured it out, but the boy she picked out for Steph was Brent, Kirsten's younger brother. Stephanie knew what Kirsten did to Grace – she wouldn't shut up about it actually, but she had never actually seen Brent and so when Terri pointed him out, he was just like any other future victim.”

“Stephanie followed Brent home from school with us all tagging along, supposedly to witness her genius,” Charlotte took over. “She had a sports bag full of clothes and makeup and as soon as the kid opened his front door, she bundled him inside.”

“In fairness, she did a pretty good job on him,” Terri said. “And it was actually really satisfying to see that pipsqueak prissified like that. It was his squealing that put Grace in Kirsten's crosshairs after all. She just straight up overpowered him and stuffed him into this kind of frilly nurse outfit complete with headband and heels. The makeup was a bit slapdash but what can you do when they wriggle about like that. When all was said and done, Brent just sat there on his own kitchen floor in a daze. He looked truly pathetic.”

“Steph probably should have realised something was wrong when I walked in,” Josie grinned. “This whole plan was to overthrow me, remember? She sure as shit knew something was wrong when Kirsten got home from work five minutes later and started yelling.”


  1. I'm kind of confused on the timeline here because first Steph went in and did her work on Kirsten's brother, then Josie comes in and *then* Kirsten comes in 5 minutes later, so I think I'm missing something like Josie tying Steph up to wait for Kirsten to get home and catch her...

    1. The intended story was that Josie deliberately arrived on the scene just as Kirsten was getting home from work

  2. Also, I'm having this terrible feeling we'll have to wait two more weeks for the sequel to this if it's going to be a Flashback Friday feature :|
