Wednesday, 19 October 2016

My deviantart account dead. I was banned permanently for a copyright violation since the photo from my fall of the mannequeen series apparently belonged to another deviantart user despite finding it on tumblr. Such is life :( I don't plan to gI've up capping but new posts will be exclusively here from now on. I need to take a break and evaluate the way forward but ill be back when I'm ready.



  1. take as long as you need also why dont you just make a new DA account and not upload that series and send people here for it?

    1. honestly the amount of time it would take to reupload my caps would be in the months. If I do start again with DA it will be under something new.

  2. Aww fuck! XO

    Banned forever, though? Sounds way harsher than what dA usually does... but blagh, anyway. XP

    Good recovery, dear. Hopefully this will be just a bump in the road for your wonderful work! :*

    1. yeah apparently it was a three strikes thing which considering two of the strikes were for the same thing, it seems mean. I will be back but perhaps I will use this as an excuse to take a break and focus on my book

  3. That's very unfortunate. I didn't know DA was that draconian.
    I hope you didn't lose any content -- well, aside from the comments. Losing comments is not a small thing, even so.

    1. mostly comments and friends. I cnt get on my account at all

  4. Wow, it seems they are making an example of you. I know very little of DA but that is a massive step. Wishing you the best in your new path.

  5. Oh not again! But your fans will support you here. Continue with your novel, and continue with your capping when you can. Remember, we all still love you :)

    1. Thank you, I really appreciate it and also your kind post on DA. Ill be back when Im ready

  6. It's really a pitty what happened with your DA Account.

    I started following yor captions there, and after what happened I xpect to be able to continue to be amazed by them here.

  7. I was wondering if you could help me. I have been looking for a image that I think Carly's captions has but she isn't returning any of my emails could you help me contact her?

  8. Sorry this happened. It's Shin from da. That has to suck. Hope you're well.

  9. Damn, that sucks. Three strikes eh? Did they warn you that you were getting strikes on the offences? Do strikes expire? DA's changed the content rating on my pieces a number of times, and deleted one or two, but I don't remember hearing about 'strikes' at any point.
