Sunday 27 September 2020

The Night Shift


Any job can start to drag after three years, but three years of working in UltraReal Bodysuits' call centre has really started to take its toll on Felicity. 

Good evening? Morning? Whatever... This is Felicity speaking. You are through to blah...blah...

Oh dear....*giggle* somebody sounds a little ticked off.

Yeah...well, what do you expect? I've been away for a while and when I finally come back to work, what happens? I pull the night shift.

Oh dear...

Right?! It's bullshit! Just because some corporate asshole wants me to help dweebs out of their girl suits 24/7, I have to live like a freaking nightowl.

Aren't these calls recorded?

Like I give a damn... Anyway, how can I help you?

Oh, yes, so, my friend and I loaned some of your bodysuits for a night out, you know as a couple of babes, and anyway, we were getting ready and, well, we decided we both liked the one the other had chosen a little better and so...

Get to the point gabby Gabby

Oh, right, so we swapped suits, had a wonderful night out, came back to mine to change back and my suit wont come off.

Okay, and did you check the smallprint that you could swap suits?

Yes, of course. We have heard all sorts of horror stories so we took precautions. We even purchased the add on that lets us drink alcohol without the suit locking. We had planned to tee-total to be safe but it was only a bit extra anyway.

Okay, let me find your file. Name?

Brady Lewis.

Okay Brady. Let's have a look...ah...hmmm...Can I ask how well you know your friend Brady?

Not well at all. We met online on a site for like-minded people, if you know what I mean. This kind of...hobby is not exactly something I can just ask my mates along for, you know?

Lovely story, anyway, it looks like you new pal cheaped out on the alcohol add on.

What?! So, you're saying...

I'm saying you bought the skin he rented the second your pretty pink lips downed their first shot.

Oh, Jesus! This can't be happening! Is there really nothing you can do?

Well, I can refund your alcohol add on if you like?

I don't understand.

Well, if your suit doesn't have the alcohol add on either then...I'm too tired to explain...

I'll take your silence as a yes. Have a good night gabby Gabby. Tell your friend not to bother calling...


  1. I like to think that Felicity is Felix, still stuck after awhile.

  2. There's only so much even the customer service rep can take before they break. Given the previous entries featuring Felicity I'm surprised it took this long for her to get jaded.

  3. Ahhh 2020 isn't so bad after all, good to see you capping again
