Friday 4 June 2021

Season 6 Prologue (Whatever Happened to the Pink n Prissy Collective? Part 1)


Surprise!! Not a Flashback Friday but a whole new set of captions. I think I have been a bit mean this time around. Not deliberately but it just ended up that way and a lot of my 'nicer' ideas got pushed back to the next batch because I accidentally made too many.

Today we have the prologue and it is the first part of a story that will run right through the season. It is a continuation of Pink n Prissy series, which you can find on my index of linked captions. I hope you enjoy what's to come...


The Pink n Prissy Collective huddled around the campfire. Wrapped in a faux-fur lined coat, the girly-girl Cassie cosied up to the leather jacketed tomboy Terri as she flicked through photos of their recent haul of sissies. The last remaining of these prissified boys sat next to them- still unable to speak after his friends had been released from their silence by the antidote to the vocal chord freezing serum. Clad in a short skirt and heels, Sam shivered against the cold and burned with humiliation. He shuddered as Charlotte waved a small pink box at him from across the fire. The tushy tickler was no longer rammed in his backside but the painful aftermath was still being felt. The blonde girl opposite turned her attention to Cassie, shaking the buttplug in its container and winking, receiving a roll of the eyes in response from her fellow Collective member.

“Alright, girls,” Josie stood above them holding a smore. “It has been a few years since we did this.” She smiled sadly. “It had been a few years since we did any of the fun things we have done recently. You see Sammy-kins, as wonderful as it was sissifying you and your friends – good ole' times and all that – we didn't do it just to torture you. There is method to our meanness after all. No, actually we need your help.” Sam looked up at her startled.

“You see, Sam,” Terri took the lead. “We've been dormant for four years and we need your help to fix that. But before we can tell you what we need, we need to tell you why we've been laying low.”

“You'll get your chance to earn back your voice,” Josie continued, “but first you need the facts. You need to know about Stephanie and Kirsten.” She paused to take a bite of marshmallow. “I wasn't always the leader of this merry little group. First there was Stephanie – you think we are mean, well, you should have seen Steph... Okay, long story short, we kicked her out and she did not take it well...”

“Next came Grace,” Charlotte took over, “and sadly, she picked the wrong boy to stuff in a dress. What seemed like a routine sissification went badly wrong and the boy's maniac older sister got involved and...well, let's just say we don't see Grace any more...”

“The point is, Sam,” Cassie looked him solemnly in the eye, “we had two hardcore women gunning for revenge against us and what happened next shaped the last four years of our lives. We brought you here tonight for a campfire story. I know that you didn't come willingly, but I beg that you listen so that you understand what needs to happen next. Listen carefully, because we're going to tell you a tale of betrayal, revenge and sex. And it all begins with a sissy...”


  1. Oooo my gawd, we're getting a continuation on the Pink n Prissy saga! Yayyyy~

    1. cant believe I am reaping the benefits of accidentally starting three separate PnP storylines. Now I get to tie them all together in a hopefully not too convoluted bow. It would have been four had I finished the series I was working on when I took my break in 2017. The collective members all kidnapped a boy and had them compete to be prom queen.

  2. Oooooo I like where this is going. Dear Sammy gets more time in the spotlight and we've got an interesting story to go through!

  3. Interesting Start!
