Monday 12 October 2020

The Thin Blue Line Vs. The Fat Pink Cock Part 1


All the caps from the Mannequeen series are on my index page

Detective Lara Lake tried the apartment door and was surprised to find it unlocked. It wasn't like a fellow cop to be so sloppy. She slipped inside quickly and closed it behind her. The sound of running water filled the cramped living space and steam billowed from beneath a door to her left. Strange, she thought, not expecting her fellow detective, Chase Hargreaves to be in any condition to be showering. A second of doubt lingered. Had the Cleaner really not got the job done? Curiosity took over and she pushed her way into the humid bathroom. Seeing the dildo stuck to the glass shower wall, she instantly understood and took a moment to observe the curvy naked figure inside writhing desperately under the makeshift lubricant of the hot water before picking up the tape recorder lying on the floor and pressing play.

“You should have left it alone Chase,” she called over the thrum of the shower as the strong confident female voice on the tape began. Lara Lake smiled. The Cleaner had really grown into her role over the last three years. Long gone were the days of being just an awkward Mannequeen copycat. She fell silent to appreciate the message that had changed Detective Chase Hargreaves' life forever.

'Hello Detective Hargreaves. I want to play a game. For a too long now, you and your partner, Detective Ron Cosby, have refused to let sleeping dogs lie. You have refused to accept that the pathetic orgasm-riddled little creature currently serving time in state prison is the vigilante known as the Cleaner. You have alleged that the real Cleaner is still out there carrying out her justice as she sees fit and that there is a mole on your own police force helping her. Well, Detective, congratulations. You are 100% correct. How does it feel? Well, perhaps I can help explain. You have been placed in a state-of-the-art female bodysuit that will in two hours lock and bind to your skin forever unless you can unlock it first. The locking mechanism lies deep in one of the suit's three orifices. I just can't seem to remember which one. Silly me. It's a good thing you seem to be so good at poking into holes you shouldn't, right? I am sure you'll figure it out. I will even give you a hand, well, an appendage anyway. Also, I have added some 'urges' to your bodysuit to give you a bit of extra encouragement. Good luck, Detective. You have two hours.”

Lara Lake smirked and pressed stop. Suddenly, a delicate feminine face slammed against the steamy glass swallowing the Cleaner's pink rubber gift right to the hilt. Wild, desperate eyes stared down at her and she winked back.

“Better luck next time,” she grinned as her colleague continued to plunge his new face against the glass. “Sounds like the next attempt might be a bit more fun,” she held up the tape recorder like a champagne glass and got ready to enjoy the show. Detective Chase Hargreaves could ram every hole in his tight little body and that bodysuit would never unlock. The Cleaner would never take that risk. His fate was sealed as tightly at Rocky Law's. She just needed to decide what to do with him once he realised that.

1 comment:

  1. Oh mu how beautiful that image is... I quite envious to be honest.
